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Multidimensional Reading

Let’s focus on the questions most important to you.

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Psychic, Tarot & Mediumship

Internationally recognized Spiritual Advisor Barbara Ford provides unique multidimensional readings by using a combination of different divination tools in each session.

These include: four different decks including tarot & oracle cards, dowsing, energy scanning, past life reading, connecting to loved ones who have crossed over, connecting to spirit guides and photo reading.

During each session Barbara Ford begins with a general tarot spread using the deck of your choice, sharing information about you and your current priorities.

The rest of the session is guided by your questions. Barbara focuses on your specific questions and does not talk about things you do not wish to discuss.


Barbara believes each person comes for a reason, and she prefers to focus time and energy on what you came for rather than aimlessly talk without direction from you.


Barbara does not tell you how to live your life, rather she provides information for you to consider when you are making your choices.


Her multidimensional readings are an innovative way to look at an existing situation from a new perspective, or gain new insight into your life.

In-Person or Phone Multidimensional Readings

Barbara: Wednesdays 3PM - 8PM & Fridays, 1pm - 8pm, 30 minute reading - $55+HST, 1 hour reading - $100+HST


*Please be advised that new pricing comes into effect August 1 2024.30 Min Sessions - $65+HST , 1 hour sessions - $125+hst

Click here for more about Barbara Ford

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